Overstock Disposal: Destroying Toys in Texas and Beyond
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Overstock Disposal: Destroying Toys in Texas and Beyond


Sometimes, the need for overstock disposal creeps up. Manufactures and distributors may not know when they warehouse goods they are no longer selling. Our customer was storing a large volume of stock, discontinued toy products. Originally, the product was designed as a monthly subscription kit, something like a playful  “care package.” and shipped to clients all over the world. There was a branded cardboard box containing selected collectible items designed around a specific character. Different materials comprised each part. Each kit contained items like these:

  • Branded character-specific T shirts

  • Cartoon books printed on paper and cover stock

  • Ceramic mugs depicting characters

  • Metal lapel pins

  • Rigid plastic figures, some with bobble heads

  • Caps with bills

  • Cardboard boxes

Atypical Overstock Disposal

Our customer needed to render every box unsellable. Further, they needed certified destruction and detailed records for the lots of boxed materials. Over a 15-day period, Sheila Fortunato, one of our favorite truckers, delivered loads to our facility in the DFW area. We received 31 truckloads and 740 pallets stacked high with toy gift boxes, about 250 tons of material in all.

Our very own Jimmy Harty carefully checked every numbered pallet and attended to all of the details and happenings during the destruction process. Jimmy and our plant crew created a work flow to move the pallets into the shredding area, unpack them as needed, then fed them into our very powerful system that includes three 150 horse power shredders. The system shreds about six tons per hour. Nothing resembles merchandise following that process.

Contact Us for Overstock Disposal

We provided the same customer with overstock disposal again a few weeks later in another region of the country. If you have your own product destruction need in Texas, call Paul Simonetti: (469) 865-0838.

If you need to have something shredded, crushed, or sliced outside of Texas, contact one of us today.

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